X2O water + MW Protein Fiber Shake = more hydration and energy! It’s a formula referred to as P+H. This concept was first shared on a Health Education call by Dr. Michael Triglia, warmly referred to as “Dr. T.” He is a member of Xooma’s Scientific Advisory Board, Doctor of Chiropractic, entrepreneur, and an accomplished Martial Artist.
The ‘P’ in Dr. T’s P+H formula stands for Protein. Protein is the building block for the body. And here’s an important fact: MetaboWize™ Protein Fiber Shake isn’t just for people who want to lose weight! By consuming MetaboWize Protein Fiber shake and X2O water on those hot summer days, you can avoid fatigue and other unwanted symptoms.
You may have gathered by now that ‘H’ stands for Hydration. With X2O™ as Xooma’s premier product, you’re probably already familiar with the importance of alkalinity and minerals.
Most beverages consumed today are acidic. Acidic beverages include coffee, tea, sodas, diet sodas, energy drinks, to name a few. Particularly important in the summer, another major factor linked to hydration is the outdoor temperature, the length of time you spend in it, and as a Xooma Member, the amount and frequency of X2O water you consume.
This “P+H” formula of Protein plus (X2O) Hydration is different than the pH on the alkalinity scale. However, during hot summer days, your body needs X2O hydration plus protein support.
Xooma’s products and scientifically-researched ingredients can play an important role in overall health. Learn more about Xooma’s products on Xooma’s Health Education calls, the first and third Thursday of every month, and how Xooma’s products continue to make a difference in so many people’s lives.